I hate talking finance in the groupchat 'cause it's just endless denialism. For context, the others are vested in BTC & TSLA and are actively building mining rigs right now, and I posted this and called it 'spoopy'.
Same guy that lost money on GME is hedging another insanely late bet on crypto and i'm just waiting for the inevitable tears and all I'll be able to say is "i literally did tell you so"

edit: Pop off by all means
edit 2: he doesn't know what fiat currency is and is trying to argue that bitcoin couldnt collapse and lose value because the dollar doesn't do that
bout to lose my mind he says i should 'drop acid and watch an attar video' to be talking about fiat 'and you call yourself a commie'
communism is when you invest in stonks
edit 3: he pushed my buttons so i blew a gasket
edit 4: :agony-consuming: agony im giving up, this is his closer:
"Mate i work in a factory nobody there has been to uni or has had the time or education and opportunities to read the teachings or carl marx or whoever they are literally just trying to put food on the plate a suprising lot of them are trading try telling them their class trators lol" - he's trying to other me as a well educated libtard when I dont have a degree, work minimum wage and earn less than he does
edit 5: i can't not have the last word so naturally i've continued to belabour the point and we're at the stage where he's saying utter nonsense like "try coming into my workplace and starting a union when -insert a sequence of legally actionable labour violations-, also this weekend i'm going out tagging 'justice for so & so' why don't you join me mr. activist" referencing to a cold case where a kid was murdered 15 years ago