In light of the paradox thread the other day.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I've never seen a case where a bad or overpriced game is the fault of the devs and not the higher ups who don't plan properly, overwork their teams, rush development etc.

    That said I don't know what to make of the HOI4 team. They are for some reason tiny, less than a dozen devs for one of Paradox's biggest games. They put out one medium-sized DLC a year, and contacted a modder to make a small DLC last year. I don't know why they don't expand the team, maybe the higher ups won't let them or maybe they don't want to.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      3 years ago

      HOI4 probably isn't nearly as profitable as EU4 or CK3 or Stellaris, that's the likely reason. It was met with lukewarm reception on release and it's fairly niche to begin with so it probably never really picked up steam properly.