This is not the way to do it.

I will post something which isn't enough (as it isn't the survivors perspective and established memory culture and narrative about the Shoa, the Porajmos and alike.

This is just to underline what the goals and function were of the camps, the camps weren't there to "keep the prisoners disciplined to that different groups wouldn't kill each other" (as is more or less unaware claimed in the other post):

Die nationalsozialistischen Lager, deren einziger Zweck die Disziplinierung, Ausbeutung und Vernichtung von Menschen war, waren bei der Beseitigung von Regimegegnern/Regimegegnerinnen und der Umsetzung der Rassenpolitik von großer Bedeutung (vgl. Benz 2005:12). Schon im ersten Jahr nach der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten/Nationalsozialistinnen im Jahr 1933 entstanden rund 70 frühe Konzentrationslager und 30 „Schutzhaftabteilungen“ in Justiz- und Polizeigefängnissen (vgl. Königseder 2005:30).

The nazi camps whose only goal was to disciplination to exploit and finally exterminate humans, were at the destruction of regime enemies and within the racial politics and implementations of racial politics a significant contribution.

Already within the first year after the takeower within the year 1933 the Nazis created 70 early concentration camps [remember there later would be extermination camps - majority of those in occupied eastern regions] and 30 "Schutzhaftabteilungen" [basically camps for political prisoner in parts without trial or when their sentence was done, also used for torture and murder] within police- and court-jails.

  • coeliacmccarthy [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    his name was Höss and if you want to completely ignore all perpetrator confessions then you might as well be claiming that all POW testimony was coerced with commie torture like the deniers do