Lukewarm take: While I do miss his constant twitter posting I think I prefer Trump having to post through press releases, only occasionally being filmed interrupting weddings. Not to say that I think him getting kicked off of Twitter has been any kind of victory or whatever, it's just a cool 'End of a Twilight Zone Episode' state for Trump to wind up in.
Lukewarm take: While I do miss his constant twitter posting I think I prefer Trump having to post through press releases, only occasionally being filmed interrupting weddings. Not to say that I think him getting kicked off of Twitter has been any kind of victory or whatever, it's just a cool 'End of a Twilight Zone Episode' state for Trump to wind up in.
in a way it is funnier seeing "statement by 45th president" and then what would be one of his tweets
It's like the bit people suggested before he left office of him tweeting via the Emergency Broadcast System only less terrifying
It's a real shame he never did that tbh.