Repost with a little better effort/clarity.

About two weeks ago doge dropped to around $0.17 per coin. Right now it's around $0.43. It has been climbing slowly. Then news came of Elon Musk hosting SNL on May 8. Musk said he would shout out doge coin on the show. Anticipation of this caused the price to climb higher and faster. Mark Cuban also has been praising doge coin in the media this weekend, causing the price to jump more.

I think it's likely to climb higher as we approach Saturday. I think after it's mentioned on SNL, it will drop in price. Doge has cycles of pump and dumps, and this will be the largest one yet.

I wanted to mention this because reddit crypto subs are horrible and depressing and full of people who won't admit this is all a sham. So I wanted to give my own commentary.

I have drawn three trend lines on the hourly chart for doge from now until May 8. The red line is the current, steepest trend. I doubt this will hold throughout the week. But if it does, by Saturday, the value will be around $0.75. The yellow line, at the previous trend, will end up around $0.50. The blue line is the least charitable trend, without assuming the value will drop by Sat, and it's like $0.47. Worst case scenario the price stays the same or even drops by Saturday and never goes above its current price. Meaning that if you get in now, you either make no money or lose money if you sell this weekend.

Trying to base future behavior from current trends is like reading tea leaves. It shouldn't be taken as gospel. I'm just trying to carve out a range of possible future prices. The meme lords on reddit say $1 will happen. But we went through this with GME. They want $1 to happen so they'll say it will happen. It could happen, but I would err on the side of caution and aim lower.

The price could stay the same. It could fall. You could sell this weekend and it continues climbing even higher into next week as word of mouth drives new buyers. Lots of things could happen and it's important to realize there are many ways to win and many more ways to lose.

When to buy: I would look for a significant dip between now and Friday, May 7. Looking at the chart (I didn't draw this as to avoid clutter), I'd say a dip back to $0.40 is pretty likely and a good place to start looking for entry. Even lower would be better. There is no guarantee it will go back to $0.4 or lower. It could keep rising and therefore you will end up paying more by waiting. This is part of what makes it a risky trade. If you buy now you miss out on a cheaper price. If you wait you end up paying a higher price anyways.

Wen to sell: I would try to watch SNL and have my chart open beside it. As soon as there is the first doge joke, I would watch the price closely. It's likely that the joke will hype up the price a little more and then people will quickly exit for profit. Personally, I'm looking to get out around Saturday night or Sunday morning. In the past, doge has gotten social media buzz on Sundays. It'll be even more likely to happen again. So Sunday will be the latest I'm staying in. I would be absolutely shocked if the price doesn't crash back down next week. The question is just where the floor will be. I think as of right now, at best, we're looking at $0.75 peak. People will say hold because $1 is coming. They will be holding the bag.

If the price keeps going up, shouldn't you hold long term? Depends on what you're trying to do. Are you doing a long term investment? Maybe. Plenty of wealthy people think doge will keep going up, higher highs and higher lows. Like bitcoin. In my limited experience, I am skeptical of this. So I'm just trying to ride waves up and not hold long term.

As always, don't invest money you don't have or can't afford. I wouldn't dump my last $10 on this trade in hopes of turning it into $20 in a week. None of this is guaranteed. I could be wrong, I have been wrong. This is not a sure thing. Be prepared to lose at least half of what you put into it should the worst happen. Be prepared to make almost nothing if the big win never comes.