Look at the edit lmao. They really thinks its a bad take.

edit: lmao they deleted it https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/n4rp6l/police_in_colombia_open_fire_on_citizens/gwy5xkg/?context=3

    • Ecoleo [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's so fucking karmic. No self respecting person can possibly be angry at them after all they've been put through at the hands of the USA. These people get pissed about Q-anon and then go on to peddle HK, East Turkestan independence psy-ops created by the CIA.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      3 years ago

      It would make perfect sense for foreign powers to do what the US has been doing for ages, stoking domestic unrest like that. The thing is, most US rivals have rather limited budgets, and there's a ton of corporate US actors who have a clear, material interest in bolstering right wing narratives (and absolutely zero interest in bolstering BLM narratives, btw). Just look at the way yt channels like PragerU, Crowder or Ben Shapiro are produced. You don't get results like that when you're just some guy with a patreon, these are rather obvious PR professional productions that seem to regularly receive donations from the fossil fuel industry in exchange for their climate change denialism as well. It's definitely no coincidence, either, that the Q drops just stopped after the election was settled. Ask anybody working in PR and you'll find it's normal for a lot of industries to locate social media and comment section discussions relevant to their employers and manipulate them. That's not even going into the astronomic campaign budgets that both major US parties wield.

      There is definitely an informational war going on, at all times, but a realistic assessment of social media manipulation is very, very different from what liberals believe about "Russian bots." If you could flip a US election just by sending in an army of chatbots, everybody would do that. And there are obviously a ton of different actors influencing political discourse in the US, but not all of them are state actors, they have all kinds of different motives and strategies, the vast majority of them clearly do not come from China or Russia and anybody who has ever talked to an actual chat bot can guarantee you that these things do not argue like your average QAnon supporter and that profiles like that have a behavior that's much more in line with some terminally online nerd than a bot or paid shill.

      Successful propaganda aims to multiply its reach by convincing normal posters of your narratives and creating what at a superficial look seems like a grassroots movement. You do not shape public opinion by just flooding every chat and comment section with the same copypasta some hack fraud in St. Petersburg pulled out of their ass. If somebody would do that, it would be extremely easy to verify by everybody who can do a simple google search. We'd have clear evidence of that if it was going on in the way your average :reddit-logo: liberal believes it to happen.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      3 years ago

      My money is still on QAnon being pushed by one of those evangelical military-connected cults and it just spiraled.