• Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    8 months ago

    And you know that no information was deliberately obfuscated or hidden by the vendor? The vendor currently being sued by regulators for operating a business model "designed to avoid consumer protections for financially vulnerable consumers."?

    Curious as to how you know this information. Do you have a copy of the court filings? Please feel free to share if you do.

    • wahming@monyet.cc
      8 months ago

      You keep putting words in my mouth. Please share where I said anything like that.

      • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Actually I'll do one better. While you were deflecting, I found the court filings.

        Not shockingly, one of the main causes of action against the defendant is that they are dressing up a credit contract as a lease agreement to avoid interest rate caps (Section 3.2) and disclosure requirements (Section 3.3) which you'll notice is exactly what I was talking about from the get go.



        Let's see you use that calculator in your pocket to determine if you're getting a reasonable deal without being told the original price of the goods, the interest rate, and how the interest was calculated.