I'm part of leadership of a small community group for our part of town. I am seeking advice on how to smuggle gold-communist principles into a group that is not explicitly communist or anticapitalist but nevertheless is receptive to the concepts.

So far the group is focused on community resiliency in the face of climate change, sustainability, food/skill sharing, social inclusivity (i.e. age, class, LGBT, ethnicity, nationality), and is generally meant to be an alternative to the chud heavy block watch groups on Facebook that just fear monger about teens after dark and property values. The group's politics are not explicitly leftist/anticapitalist but the most active members think naomi klein is great. If it was 2016 I would bet on the group being Bernard brothers. This is a heavily propagandized part of the west so actual political theory is thin on the ground. The membership of the group is likely to grow significantly over time so it is not realistic to put up a hammer and sickle, but nevertheless I want to lay foundational principles that align with anticapitalist/communist values.

For municipal politics reasons, we will open this group up to members from the neighborhood catchment to stake our claim as official reps of this part of town. We are writing our constitution and bylaws now and I want to bake in some antichud deterrents into these documents so it isn't appealing for chuds. In addition I want to frame all our future events and projects with left language, falling short of dictatorship of the proletariat or mao-aggro-shining.

Help me chapo you're my only hope