The material incentive to raise meat for slaughter is that people buy it. You remove that incentive by not buying it, fewer people will raise meat for slaughter.

Joseph Stalin himself described boycotts as a viable means of political activism.

  • purr [undecided]
    3 years ago

    i always heard the opposite, as the stereotype

    • CptKrkIsClmbngThMntn [any]
      3 years ago

      Around here, yes. Leftists stereotype vegans as being entirely focused on individual action, and, sorry to say it, but it's almost entirely to score points. I'm sure the owners of some of the farms around here that have been raided and photographed have a bit of a different idea of what a vegan is and does, lol.

      It's kind of a shame, tbh. There's a lot that vegans can learn from leftists and vice versar, but that involves rooting out the bigotry and nasty assumptions on both sides.