What?? Are you stuck in mid 20th century? Do you honestly think this is the case in 2021 in N. America and W. Europe? Oh did you mean to replace the word “Jewish” with “Muslim”? Because then it would be on the money.
Yes? Anti-semitism, and not just the "oh you criticized Israel? You're anti-Semitic" but like actual antisemitism is very real. Saying it lasted for millennia and had the majority of their European population LITERALLY GENOCIDED eighty years ago but then suddenly ended in current year is an insane idea. Westerners hating Muslims does not eliminate this.
Yes it is. This whole conflict is rooted in the fact you can’t give away other people’s lands to another entire ethnic group. **There are no chosen lands. There are no chosen peoples. **
I said "somewhere" and not "Israel specifically" for a reason. Requiring it to be in Israel is Zionist, sure.
You know you’re giving it away when you say this right? The “point” of Israel is to have a fascist ethno-state, yes.
Fuck off, I'm not a fascist or a zionist or even Christian. The "point" is that the entirety of Jewish history shows that they will be oppressed up to and including genocide when they are the minority. Like, every single fucking place they've ever lived. If you have a magic solution to fix that, I'd love to hear it.
Yes? Anti-semitism, and not just the "oh you criticized Israel? You're anti-Semitic" but like actual antisemitism is very real. Saying it lasted for millennia and had the majority of their European population LITERALLY GENOCIDED eighty years ago but then suddenly ended in current year is an insane idea. Westerners hating Muslims does not eliminate this.
I said "somewhere" and not "Israel specifically" for a reason. Requiring it to be in Israel is Zionist, sure.
Fuck off, I'm not a fascist or a zionist or even Christian. The "point" is that the entirety of Jewish history shows that they will be oppressed up to and including genocide when they are the minority. Like, every single fucking place they've ever lived. If you have a magic solution to fix that, I'd love to hear it.