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  • SolidaritySplodarity [they/them]
    3 years ago

    What does this have to do with anything, it’s not some incredibly unrealistic request to ask for rationing of PPE.

    You're still confused about their role. One I already explained. Stop treating your imagination like it's a fact-generating machine.

    This will likely be my last reply to you in this thread. I'm not interested in teasing apart terminal Redditor brain where making stuff up on the fly and deflection are considered the right way to have a disagreement.

    Yes, there were, and as you said, they more or less followed through, so in the case where they were afraid there wouldn’t be enough PPE for healthcare personnel

    To be clear, there wasn't enough and health officials were worried.

    why would they not just say that

    Because the capacity in which they're "saying" anything in this context is via public health announcements, not telling WaPo what the president should do.

    You're getting very confused about who "they" are as if there's a coherent unit tasked with constructing healthcare policy and public health messaging. There is not.

    Rationing PPE so that healthcare personnel has enough isn’t some power structure shattering request, neither is it unrealistic.

    They don't have the power to institute that policy at all. It would all be internal. They instead used what power they do have: messaging.

    If they were absolutely certain masks would help

    That is obviously not a premise of our conversation and I have explained why twice.

    Asking for lockdowns for months is much harder.

    That was already a WHO recommendation and the US never actually recommended the real deal on lockdowns to begin with. The messaging there was watered down into "flatten the curve", remember?

    Like, I don’t question that they were aware what they said may not have been correct, but I wouldn’t assume they were certain of it, there doesn’t seem to be a good enough reason to do that.

    It was obvious FUD with the obvious contradiction, even from Fauci himself, that healthcare workers needed masks.