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  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    8 months ago

    Perhaps you missed the part where, in real life, I'm having to fight tooth and nail to allow students and teachers the right to express solidarity with Palestine, precisely because of Zionists I work with. Zionists who are explicitly using their identity as Jews to censor others' speech. This is not an abstract issue, it's a very real one where I'm having to stick my fucking neck out in a way that has real life consequences. Stick your condescension in a sack and take it elsewhere

    If I'll say it IRL, I'll say it on the niche communist website, and you coming at me with the smarmy "it's a waste of energy" bullshit is not going to change that. Why are you wasting your time arguing with me on a niche communist website?

    • Kuori [she/her]
      8 months ago

      the work you're doing in real life matters and can improve people's lives in some way. what you're pushing for here doesn't, and only serves to make people who are already on our side uncomfortable. i'm not being smarmy or condescending, but you are kind of being an asshole.

      e: i gave it some thought and a better way to phrase this would have been to say that you are prioritizing your feelings (and only that) over those of the jewish people on this site in a way that would ordinarily be considered "talking over" the group in question, something we basically never allow.