so uhhh my recent trip to walmart self checks shed light on a new security measure they are using. There are overhead cameras on every single self check and they are watching for you to underscan something. If it 'senses' you underscanning it freezes your self check and calls for assistance from the current self check host. There is a brief video recording of the 'discrepancy' so the self checkout attendant can verify, very annoying.
this underscanning seems very sensitive so I would not recommend trying to underscan at walmart self check outs anymore. About two years ago walmart stopped weighing the bagging area which made underscanning so fucking easy but now Id say the easiest method is just concealment or leaving whatever item you nabbing under some shopping bags you brought yourself.
if you intend on stealing always remember to wear a hat (something non distinguishable like a plain color cap or a beanie) and ofc wear a face mask. Always wear a change of clothes you wouldnt ever wear outside of shoplifting and, something ive been doing on my own escapades, try to walk with an abnormal gait. Just a walking style different enough from your own. If you plan on hitting that walmart very infrequently that last step may be a bit much but i know for a fact places like target check gaits.
also the door greeters cant legally stop you, and AP cant stop you as is company policy so if you suspect you are getting tailed just keep walking
i always recommend parking your car as far as possible from any cameras (walmart does have cameras in the parking lot but they typically have a loud speaker blasting their propaganda and also solar panels attached for power so just dont park near that...)
if anyone else has any other COOL SHOPLIFTING TIPS feel free to post them here and i plan on compiling this in to a semi regular thread
You can change your gait a little bit by putting things in your shoes. Just as shoe inserts are made to give you better posture, you can fold up a sheet of paper and put it on top of the insole, on the side or in the corner. That way it gives you a different kind of walk that is both consistent and not very mentally taxing to keep up.