• Vncredleader
    3 years ago

    Jesus that is undiscernible from a modern libertarian or Vaush or something. "doesn't talk of the values of solidarity"? The Soviets put solidarity in every other word. "Moral, not social task" for a playwright he sure does seem to not know how to use words or at least is unwilling to define terms.

    I can see the "pragmatic liberalism" which is to say Progressive Era American politics, in which you see social ills and human suffering as individual moral failings that those endowed with wealth and status are responsible for helping out a bit thus making them enlightened. Andrew Carnegie did lots of donations in my home of Pittsburgh, he gave a decent helping hand at times and genuinely seemed to want to bring "culture" to the poor......he also murdered strikers, caused their abject poverty, and saw misery as a test for him personally and morally and not a problem he caused. It's what is aggravating about the progressive era, you have houses set up for "at risk women" for instance, but they really served to shame single mothers and "fix" the poor (ie the people who are poor) instead of fixing poverty. Settlement Houses played a massive role in gentrification and embodied the sentimentality fetish that views suffering from the pov of the middle class or higher taking pity, never from that of the workers themselves