sorry to violate my strict no-wojaks code of ethics, but i thought this one was good enough

  • mittens [he/him]
    7 months ago

    it's horrible and bitter so only hipsters drink it (argentinians drink it too but it's some sort of masochistic national symbol) and it's a special brand of unauthentic if you buy it canned. actually i'm just guessing i have no idea what sort of stereotype these obscure wojaks are making fun of and tbh as a society we shouldn't be making more of them.

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      It is (or at least was) just trendy among feeeeemales of a certain age. This is the entirety of that part of the joke: they're feeeeemales of a certain age.

      They gave it to Che because he liked yerba mate and that makes it actually funny.