I want a Vicky 3 set in the 2000s with Degeneracy replacing Literacy. Imagine struggling to raise your backward ass country percent by percent into 30% degeneracy so you can Sickonize and become a Great Degenerate Power and exert a Cultural Marxist SOI on poor innocent Tradcountries.
I want a Vicky 3 set in the 2000s with Degeneracy replacing Literacy. Imagine struggling to raise your backward ass country percent by percent into 30% degeneracy so you can Sickonize and become a Great Degenerate Power and exert a Cultural Marxist SOI on poor innocent Tradcountries.
countries under a Cultural Marxist SOI get events where you have to accept superhero movies with lesbians or else a revolt occurs in your capital
Chud revolt occurs anyway.
CommunismSlaanesh Will Win