
  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    3 years ago

    History must have sucked so much in American schools. Propa aside you guys all five way too much of a shit about founding fathers and shit like that. Canadian history was English people fight french people and massacre natives, the English mostly came out on top, now here we are. They teach other crap but they know it's mind numbingly boring and no one is really expected to know it

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      You have no idea. Through 13 years of school including a couple AP courses + a few college courses, I never ONCE learned even a little bit about the history of Latin America outside of the Mexican-American War, history of sub-saharan Africa, or East or Southern Asia other than WWII and Vietnam. I had one teacher in high school that felt history was too western focused so we did spend a week or so learning about Islam. However he also made us watch a docudrama about Golda Meir so....