I know it’s marketing. Which is why I think they should kill themselves. Perpetuating the “AI will ruin humanity” narrative - not because of violating labor laws and committing war crimes, but because le terminator - deserves nothing but scorn and death. I WISH the evil AI was real so these people would be tormented for eternity.

  • VILenin [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Speak for yourself, my family and I have adopted Monopoly money as our primary currency. It has actually drastically reduced our cost of living! It seems that others are so in awe of this new mode of trade that they aren’t prepared to give us anything in return yet. We are slowly starving to death but we will 100% be resurrected by the AI god emperor overlords who will personally serve me and vanquish my enemies in a day of reckoning. No this isn’t a cult.