Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    7 months ago

    AI can get sensory input and process it.

    LLMs are not "AI."

    "AI" is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT's release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.

    Nothing you are saying has any standing with actual relevant academia. You have bought into the hype to a comical degree and your techbro clown circus is redundant, if impressively long. How long are you going to juggle billionaire sales pitches and consider them actual respectable computer science?

    How many times are you going to outright ignore links I've already posted over and over again stating that your position is derived from marketing and has no viable place in actual academia?

    If you can't name one way, then your belief in human exceptionalism is not based in materialism.

    Your contrarian jerkoff contempt for humanity (and living beings in general) doesn't make you particularly logical or beyond emotional bias. Also take those leftist jargon words out of your mouth; you're parroting billionaire fever dreams and takes likely without the riches to back you up, effectively making you a temporarily-embarrassed bourgeoisie bootlicker.

      7 months ago

      I've been checking in on this whole thread and this is my all time favourite comment on it, maybe my all time favourite comment on the website.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        I'm glad you enjoyed it!

        Because that Reddit clown keeps sliding and squeaking around dodging any and all good faith confrontation of their ongoing spraying of the firehose of bullshit, I'll keep copypasting the part you liked in each of their attempts to avoid another person with a sourced or learned counterpoint to their techbro hype gobbling.

          7 months ago

          I have noticed that. They've been avoiding every argument they don't have any sort of comeback to. I think a ppb or pointing and laughing emote would be fine though.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            7 months ago

            I'm becoming fond of jagoff because it represents their perspective and their goals regarding "what if Blade Runner real and what if Blade Runner waifu wants me?!"