"Dogpile culture" is a more appropriate term for the very real tendency on Twitter (and Tumblr before it) to amplify any perceived misdeed through a game of digital telephone until you can no longer tell whether someone is truly problematic or not and all you can do is pick a side and go with the crowd.
But the modern term "cancel culture" has been so bastardized, appropriated by right-wing trolls, and conflated with basic accountability that it doesn't mean anything anymore, and it's completely pointless to talk about "cancel culture."
Cancel culture isn't real, it's just people facing consequences for their actions.
"Dogpile culture" is a more appropriate term for the very real tendency on Twitter (and Tumblr before it) to amplify any perceived misdeed through a game of digital telephone until you can no longer tell whether someone is truly problematic or not and all you can do is pick a side and go with the crowd.
But the modern term "cancel culture" has been so bastardized, appropriated by right-wing trolls, and conflated with basic accountability that it doesn't mean anything anymore, and it's completely pointless to talk about "cancel culture."