After spending a rather stupid amount of money on toys such as laser pens, electronic toys, wands, feathers, fishing line things, balls, puzzles my cat yearns for only one toy.... A stick.

The end that is supposed to be used is clearly not interesting enough no the HANDLE is what she wants to play with. Something about a plastic stick being scrapped across carpet sets all her neurons off.

Only other things she likes is carboard boxes and brown paper to shred and occasionally felt balls being rolled down the stairs.

Her other demands are being let into the conservatory and demanding i watch her poo.

I guess its easy to overthink a cats mind since they don't care if you spend hundreds in toys they gonna play with the stupidest items. Made the same mistake with food spending loads on different fancy wet foods to find out she just wanted to eat kibble.

    7 months ago

    The best toy I ever bought for my cat was a like $2 package of pipe cleaners from a craft store. You can use them in a similar manner scraping it across the carpet like the stick, roll it into a tight-ish ball and throw it, or tie it to a string/old shoelace. He's got all these fancy toys that people have gotten him over the years but it's always the pipe cleaner that ends up getting swatted and chased.

    She's a very handsome cat and I hope you two have all the fun and joint poops.