Shoot my dogs (bourgeoise decadence) while theyre at it, ATF tag-team time

There is something eating my fucking brainstem from the inside out and smoothing the few rwmaining wrinkles in my brain. I should go for a booze cruise jetstream-troll

  • Self_Hating_Moid [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Oooh ow owie the brainworm is eating my fucking amygdala ooog wowie zowie oof ow

    • FunkyStuff [he/him]
      8 months ago


      Someone out there really, really, really should Minecraft the [redacted]

      But not illegal to say

      With a mortar launcher.

      Because that's a whole separate sentence, it's an incomplete sentence which may or may not be connected to the previous sentence.

  • P1d40n3 [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Maybe the real FBI is the memes we made along the way.

  • autism_2 [any, it/its]
    8 months ago

    I always think your avatar is a big honking pair of Pizza Steve tits

    That's not related to the FBI thing but maybe to the part about the melting brain

  • oktherebuddy
    8 months ago

    Every few months they flip a coin. If it's heads they bring you in and get some journalist to shit out an "article" about how the FBI prevented a terrorist attack, so their budget should be increased. If it's tails they let it ride and hope you do a terrorism so some journalist can shit out an "article" about how the FBI needs more money to prevent these things, so their budget should be increased.