:what-the-hell: :dog-faced-pony-soldier:

  • YLM [any]
    4 years ago

    Read through the preview on scribd. It's funny in a tragic kind of way.

    (Scribd doesn't allow copy/paste so I typed these out; if there's typos it's probably me and not her)

    First I saw this:

    For my first two years of college, I bought and practiced as best I knew how to the leftist doctrines of wokeness, intersectionality, and admiration for socialism. I denounced my skin color, the supposed privilege that came with it, and my country that had ever only perpetuated injustice. [...] I entered college with zero understanding of the ideology I was being sucked into or of the pernicious origins and implications of such beleifs. [...] but deep down, I secretly detested the identity politics and woke intersectionality that I felt needlessly pitted various groups against each other. I played the part as best I could, not seeing any alternative. I only understood conservatives and capitalists as greed-driven parasites who would stop at nothing for a profit, destroying the environment in the process.

    Then this:

    I had voted for Donald Trump in 2016 for two basis reasons: 1) I had done research on the tragedy in Benghazi and felt I could not in good conscience vote for former secretary of state Clinton, and 2) I felt that based on my values, Donald Trump was the more likely of the candidates to appoint a constitutionally minded judge to the vacancy of the Supreme Court. We could survive four years of Trump, but the SCOTUS appointment would affect US legal proceedings for decades to come.

    This is Real Socialism(tm) folks. See, socialism is when you hate white people and republicans (since only "conservatives and capitalists" are greed-driven parasites, duh). Also, as a real socialist, she voted Donald Trump for President, not because she's an accelerationist or because she wants to punish the US Democratic Party for their repeated failures and hand-wringing, no no -- her primary concerns were fucking Benghazi and the chance to elect Scalia 2.0.

    The whole preview section is just this meme personified: https://i.imgflip.com/5ceea5.jpg I can only assume the rest of the book is the same way.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    4 years ago

    We have to elect Biden because Republicans will refuse to work with a socialist like Sanders!