In middle school I saw the Kubrick version of The Shining and loved it. So I read King's original book and was really bored. Never read any other King. Then when IT: Chapter One came out, I liked the movie so I read the book. And I hated it.

Recently I have decided to get back into writing because I loved that when I was younger. Somehow I was talked into reading On Writing and I am loving it. It is making me think that maybe I had King all wrong and should try reading him again.

Any recommendations for other King material based on what I said?

  • Neckbeard_Prime [they/them,he/him]
    3 years ago

    It was around 1991-1992, so there are definitely some classics in there. There's also some utter garbage, and a lot of forgettable stuff. I can't even remember WTF happened in Hearts in Atlantis or From a Buick 8 anymore. On the other hand, I remember the primal terror in Cujo, even if the story was an unmitigated clusterfuck from a narrative structure standpoint.