who wants lore

  • richietozier4 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    In August:tromp: makes a serious attempt at getting back the presidency. :DaBiden: refuses to back down setting into motion a civil war. Cuomo declares independence and conquers Massachusetts, Northern New Jersey, and parts of Pennsylvania. :AyyyyyOC-big: goes north and gets the DSA of New England to declare independence who then conquer parts of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Northern and Southern New York, including NYC. Texas breaks off under :ted-texas:. Appalachia forms under a renewed Patriot Party. Meanwhile in the rust belt, the IWW makes massive inroads throughout, so when shit hits the fan they form their own militia and spreads throughout the rust belt, including northern Kentucky. Eventually :trump-anguish: gets bored trying to take the rest of the US government, which still holds onto some Enclaves in Appalachia and the Carolinas, and forms the American Confederal Republic and tries to re institute slavery, which doesn’t go well, and the African People's Socialist Party takes over as the main resistance group, carving out a large swath of territory, cutting off the ACR from the Gulf of Mexico once Texas takes part of Louisiana, and form the Socialist Republic of New Afrika. In exchange for securing Florida’s independence, they get parts of northern Florida, and force them to recognize the Seminole republic. Meanwhile in the West, the West Coast declares independence under Newsom, but John Cox launches an insurgency against them. However the :PSL:, which also made in roads takes advantage of their division and beats both of them, establishing the Pacific Worker’s Republic. They then start moving inland towards the continental divide, getting Idaho, parts of Montana, Nevada, Arizona, and Western New Mexico. They strike a deal with the newly independent Deseret in that in exchange for some autonomy and extra land they get annexed, and the PWR appoints the head of the church, who can either be approved or rejected by the general members. Meanwhile in the Great Plains, a lesser known state senator from Nebraska named Augustus Ford forms the Agricultural People’s Party, and sets about conquering land around the great plains from the US government and Trump loyalists. After striking a deal with the PWR, with him recognizing an independent Sequoyah and Lakota, he starts a program the encourages deurbanization since the cities were devastated by the war and advocates for farming as independent families, with the entire economy of the Great Plains being structured around farming. Alaska is annexed by Canada as a “sub republic”, the Pacific Territories are granted independence, Caribbean territories are transferred to Cuba, and Hawaii is absorbed into the PWR. all this, the dust settles, and the new state’s consolidate.