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  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    3 years ago

    What are you trying to do it the gym? Doesn't matter, we all start at the bottom and work up. ABCs : Always be doing 80% You want to go hard, but not so hard that recovering will keep you from working out more. That was the soviet method and I stand by it.

    Starting strength. 3 days a week, half hour a day. Schedule is A, rest day, B, rest day, A. So every muscle group should have a day to rest between exercises but you are still working out consistently. A. Deadlift, Row, Curl B. Dip, squat, Over head press.
    Do all of them for 3 sets of ten, because that is the easiest to remember.
    Also do whatever cardio you enjoy just kinda whenever. You like to swim? Run? Box? Larp? Bike? Soccer? get it in. Consistency is more important that performance so just do what brings you joy here.

    Start with whatever feels light to you. I do mean light, this is to get comfortable and regulars. When you can do your range should be form 8 to 15 reps of any exercise. If you can't do eight go lighter. If you can do 15 add five pounds. Do that for like six months and then you should be able to know your body well enough to know what you wanna try doing. keep track of pain, if anything hurts more than 4/10 stop doing it. If things don't feel recovered by the next time go slower. You are not just strengthening your muscles, but your tendons, nerves, veins, and bones. It takes time to do it right.