Liberals sap my life energy little by little every day, specially Reddit liberals.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    7 months ago

    Liberals don't really do anything, they just vote and complain online. You can push them over with a feather duster, you couldn't ask for a better enemy. Of course, they do have dial-a-murder cops and are totally on board for fascistic reactionary shit when they're on the ropes but until then why waste brain space on reddit libs.

    7 months ago

    If you're talking about conservative/progressive status quo people, don't worry about them they are doing absolutely nothing. They are the kind who will be freaked out if the regime is overthrown but they won't do anything about it and remain passive little gears of whatever system they are thrown in.

    If you're talking about how all western left leaning people are deeply liberal, with the "libertarian Marxists" the anarchists, the succdems and other kind of moralistic leftists then I understand your concern. But you must also consider that those terminally white ideologies are a result of the imperialist-enabled mode of production in the west (ie. Having everyone doing service jobs while all industry is abroad). Since imperialism is in the process of collapsing, this model will eventually decline and ideology will follow.

    7 months ago

    I think I've needed to check my ego a bit and realise that I'm not carrying the world on my shoulders and I can log off for a few days to recharge. Have other things going on, hobbies, painting, video games, guitar.

    If you haven't been mentally suffering through the past few years then there's something wrong with you. As that saying goes, "It's no measure of health to find yourself to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society".

    What this means in practice though is that we're going to have to find a way to switch off and heal. Take the time when you need it, you're no use to anyone being a depressed and traumatised basket case. Others will carry on while you gather your strength.

      7 months ago

      and realise that I’m not carrying the world on my shoulders

      Important words.

      We do what we can. But ultimately even the greats didn't do it alone. If it weren't for the wider movement, there would be no Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro. We can't be feeling down because we haven't single handedly brought about a communism of plenty.

      That doesn't mean be apathetic or wait indefinitely for someone else to do the hard work. It means put things into perspective. And rest a little easier knowing the working class will have it's revolution whether anyone likes it or not.

  • pudcollar [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I think hope's overrated. Hanging your happiness on the future going one way, it's a good way to be disappointed. Fight and work out of love, hate or spite, much healthier. Besides it's not like you get to know in advance if things will turn out good or bad, you just gotta fight the fuckers as best you can. Be ready to take advantage of good conditions and survive bad times, take things as they come and live in the moment. Maybe Reddit takes more out of you than you can put into it, maybe you need a break, maybe it's your true calling and you'll get used to it. I've done my tour of duty on Reddit and I can't handle that shit anymore, fuck it.

    • QueerCommie@lemmygrad.mlM
      7 months ago

      Sounds like Reddit's taken the hope out of you. Hope is necessary, hope is a muscle. It's simply the ability to imagine a positive future, and thus figure out how to work toward it. It's necessary for communists. It's not some naive belief that things will work out or an attachment to a specific future. Gramsci was right to call for "pessimism of the mind, optimism of the will." We must see the terrors of the world and imagine the worst, and how to avoid it, but keep fighting because communism will win.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        7 months ago

        Sounds like Reddit's taken the hope out of you. Hope is necessary, hope is a muscle. It's simply the ability to imagine a positive future, and thus figure out how to work toward it. It's necessary for communists. It's not some naive belief that things will work out or an attachment to a specific future. Gramsci was right to call for "pessimism of the mind, optimism of the will." We must see the terrors of the world and imagine the worst, and how to avoid it, but keep fighting because communism will win.


  • zkrzsz [he/him]
    7 months ago

    Get off Reddit. I only check Reddit occasionally for the niche subs that are not available on Lemmy.

    7 months ago

    Liberals will do what they have always done. Just avoid them to keep your sanity. If they are introspective good people they will progress beyond liberalism and individualistic self-interest. A lot of people here in this forum grew up in the west and were smothered with western propaganda yet are here.

    7 months ago

    I keep hopeful by knowing that the liberal "paradise" of the last few decades since the "end of history," has been a living nightmare for the vast majority of humanity, one that many nations are working by any means necessary to escape. As was inevitable, liberalism has cannibalized itself from within, and exposed itself across the world as a hollow ideology, an all-devouring abomination.

    TBH I don't have much hope for the west (as someone living in it) in my lifetime (27 for reference, ie. I think shit is exceedingly fucked here), though I'd love to be proven wrong. But if you look outside it, there is a lot of reasons to be extremely hopeful for the rest of humanity- and hell, I can see the seeds of hope slowly growing in the west as well.