Was I just stupid kid in the Midwest wrapped up in propaganda and a family history? How could I not fucking see what really was going on and what we do to the people of the countries we go to? Everything I wanted to be as a kid was based on fucking lies and the profits of the military industrial complex. What the fuck was the point of my deployments if not to oppress others? How can people fucking support these wars and invasions? In the name of protecting our freedoms while stripping away others? I fucking hate myself and wish I could take it away, but without it I wouldn’t be a communist and I wouldn’t have experience colonialism and imperialism first hand on the side of the oppressors. Fucking fuck.
i am here by requesting a vets comm. you are not alone comrade.
A vets comm would be very interesting to recommend vets I come across to visit. I have been approached more than once by active USMC people on reddit chat and am working hard to improve my ability to convert them, places to recommend they visit would be good.
Well, we haven't had an embarrassing struggle session in a little while now, but I still don't know if Chapo is a place I'd ever recommend to people at this point.
I have never been embarrassed by the struggle sessions. I can't see any reason not to tell people about hexbear compared to reddit, twitter, facebook, discord or literally any other social media out there. Perfect? No. 100x better? Yes.
I feel they are going to need to be pretty far a long for it to not freak them out seeing pro AES posts and stuff like that, a lot of people need to work their way up to it via even more libby sites (yes even more libby)
We have pro AES posts on /r/socialism. The only one that doesn't get massive support is China, while DPRK is viewed as a meme.
I am unconvinced. I actually think the only thing missing is something lib enough to go alongside it. Chapo had all those things but what it also had going for it was Bernie and a significant interest in an american soft-left. This content was driven by a combination of interest but also just karma-points seeking behaviour, knowing it would be upvoted people that didn't necessarily have a direct interest in aoc or bernie still posted it for the pts.
Here, because nobody has a personal interest in them there's drastically less content about them, and if there is content about them it is suitably critical.
Everyone tolerated the things you're saying are too scary, so long as the other content they wanted was there. This is the reason reddit works. People tolerate occupying a site with literal nazis and people they hate because the content they want is there and not elsewhere.
Leftists should worry less about alienating with content that they think will scare baby-leftists and worry more about what content is needed that is actually attractive to them.
Yea I'd say that's a good observation, the old sub was more lib friendly because there was so much socdem stuff mixed in the with the further left stuff which helped slowly introduce people to better things.
I guess the question is do we really want to be that again for the sake of encouraging new members and helping people a long the pipe line? personally I'd say yes, I like hexbear as it is but i'd be willing to sacrifice my place to shit post with people of similar politics if it would have an actual meaningful impact in building a broader left community.
The problem is as much as it sucks :reddit-logo: actually worked much better for that as it was easy for people to see our content with links between sub reddits and stuff on new occasionally , out here we can do what we want but its a lot more difficult to grow.
That or an anti-imperialist one
Would be nice to have a place to post about US covert activities, either historical or current.