• MalarchoBidenism [he/him]
    3 years ago

    You would think a good Bolshevik would know to wear a catheter and a collection bag.

    Relevant story: I have heard that Lenin, before he was absolute dictator, when he wanted an issue settled his way, would start a meeting by first introducing a resolution that no one could leave the room until the issue was resolved.

    Doors were locked, and plenty of water was served, while the issue was debated. Hours would pass in heated argument.

    Lenin and his crew, wearing catheters and collection bags, were in no hurry to end the meeting, unlike everyone else.

    Lmao what the fuck

    • marbledinks [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Damn. That's how dumb they think we are. The soviet leadership inserted fucking CATHETERS just to be petty and authoritarian, kids! Honest! No, no, don't think about it too much!

    • Dyno [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Oh, I must have been confusing democratic centralism with democratic catheterisation this whole time :soviet-hmm: