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But seriously, is anyone else tired of "man trapped in a woman's body"//"born this way" rhetoric? It feels like you're already bargaining from a standpoint of "theres nothing I could do about this, but if I could...."

i mean shit, i think i remember :pete: being asked a question about whether he'd take a shot that "cured gayness" and he said yes with his husband in the audience.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    You know that could work to get bigots to go directly mask off, since they're so used to hearing the opposite. They're so used to talking in these abstract terms about being LGBTQ and the psychological impact on kids, or family hierarchical structure, that if you just directly say "yeah I know all that and I'm gonna do what I want anyway." Then they're forced into a corner where all they have left is calling you a slur or saying you'll go to hell.

    I kinda like what you're doing. Maybe it won't work all the time, but I like what you're trying to confront.

    • That_Poster_You_Hate [doe/deer]
      3 years ago

      Also it's very fun after a bigot goes mask off to say "yeah I'm getting my degree to be an educator, and im gonna turn your kids trans, too." Or just doing the whole "I was gonna turn kids trans" whenever more liberal queers do the whole "we dont wanna convert your kids, we just wanna live." Like yeah living is nice but ive 1000% gotten people to transition who Probably Wouldnt if they didnt meet someone like me and I see that as nothing but a good thing

    • That_Poster_You_Hate [doe/deer]
      3 years ago

      Thanks homie. It's a really alienating path to walk tbh, but I think it leaves the cissies in a better place to meet queer people going forward than if I did the whole "apologizing for being queer" thing. I dont mean directly apologizing, but so many queers are so beaten down by cisciety that we live our lives as if we need to apologize for who we are. I remember my friend writing a letter for SRS, and the line that resonated with me and still makes me cry for my sisters, brothers and siblings was "I'm tired of feeling like I have to apologize any time I'm going to be naked around someone." ugh