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But seriously, is anyone else tired of "man trapped in a woman's body"//"born this way" rhetoric? It feels like you're already bargaining from a standpoint of "theres nothing I could do about this, but if I could...."

i mean shit, i think i remember :pete: being asked a question about whether he'd take a shot that "cured gayness" and he said yes with his husband in the audience.

  • VernetheJules [they/them]
    3 years ago

    I guess the “born this way” rhetoric is helpful for like indoctrinated teens who are just starting to realize they’re gay and knowing that’s a Problem for their familial and social circles, but it’s definitely not great as a fully evolved queer adult

    I always heard "born in the wrong body" and the like about being trans, same with "it's not a choice". This precludes the possibility of experimenting and questioning to find out what makes you happy because by definition those actions are choices, and the end result is you make a decision based on the results of your experimentation.

    So, because I could repress myself, I thought that meant I couldn't be trans. If I was trans, I thought, then I shouldn't be able to bottle up all these feelings. Likewise, I had no fucking clue what being born in the wrong body meant. That's obviously some kind of dysphoria I don't have, but since that's all I ever heard "makes you trans", once again I thought I couldn't be trans because how the fuck should I know what another body is like (spoiler, crossdressing helped me simulate what a better body might be like).

    Anyways this is all to say I'm right behind everyone here talking about the choices they made; it wasn't my choice to be "born this way" and I'm not a fan of feeling sorry that I was. It sure as as hell was my choice to come out though and I'm never backing down on that.