• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Christman also notes how heavily dependent we all are on our geography, infrastructure, and our regional culture.

    The need to develop new forms of organizing should not eclipse the possibility of simply leveraging existing organizations. Leftists shouldn't be afraid of joining more liberal institutions in pursuit of leftist goals simply because some other online leftist might call them a fucking :LIB: . I've seen my local DSA chapter, and their hearts are in the right place, but they are swimming upstream. There's no shame in organizing and operating through larger, better financed, and more well-developed initiatives. The Houston Food Bank will do a better job of raising and distributing relief in the city than anything a dozen well-intentioned leftists can manage on their own. So forming a team that integrates itself within the Houston Food Bank and tries to direct aid to areas they see as critical is likely more efficient than constructing a parallel system from whole cloth.