A summary I've shamelessly stolen from Reddit:

Here's notes of what Sam Seder said:

Crowder wanted to debate Ethan last Monday 6/14. Ethan agreed but decided to sneak in Sam Seder to debate Crowder instead!

Sam ended his live show early to debate with Steven, but made up an excuse of recording for Bob's Burgers.

Crowder's dad emailed H3 at the last minute to cancel said Crowder's wife had a medical emergency and needed to go to the hospital, probably because they were paranoid that Sam Seder would be there.

Crowder rescheduled his debate with Ethan today for the exact time that Sam Seder's daily show goes live (Noon EST).

So Sam actually pre-recorded his show that day and played the pre-recorded show at the normal noon time so Crowder wouldn't think Sam would be there.

Sam joins the Zoom call (hides his name so as not to give it away) and eventually Crowder joins in.....

We'll have to wait for the next H3 video to find out what happens. Video should be up tonight for subscribers and live for everyone else tomorrow.

The beanie chimes in

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      You could be right but the only bit I saw a few years ago where she talked about IDF service, she was like "it was weird, they carted us around in an APC this one time to scare us and they were weird, IDK" vibes