This is great I'm coming across this thread after drunkenly quoting this scene and having a giggle fit with the lads tn
Oh yeah, of course that's what it is. It even looks like it's around Santa Cruz. Manpowered motor sports.
Is that what it's doing? I think it's just a joke about the steepness of the ramp. It's like "[this is obviously not a] wheelchair accessible ramp"
I am 1000% certain that this is a joke. That's probably used to roll shit down, or maybe for some motor sport shit
Buncha cool ass dudes
When the sax comes back in and harmonizes with the guitar around the for minute mark :chicken-bop:
Crystal Shards would like a word
I haven't played Star Ultra, though. Is it touch screen intensive?
Endless gladio
!Remindme 4 years
This exact line of reasoning was the final nail in the coffin if liberalism for me.
Someone has to clean the fucking toilets, and they deserve a good life too
Cause of death unknown
Someone else explain the graphic to me
She gets real cute
That's so cool. I googles around and now I really want to go to Osoyoos
He jumped Frank Ocean for being bi, I mean come on
No this is a vibe