The Herrin Massacre began on this day in Herrin, Illinois when striking coal miners looted ammunition and guns from a hardware store and laid seige to their mine, filled with strikebreakers, killing twenty-three people.

The violence took place in a coal mining area during a nationwide strike by the United Mineworkers of America (UMWA). Months prior, the UMWA had called a national miners' strike. The owner of the local Illinois mine, W.J. Lester, negotiated with the union to allow his mine to remain open and for miners to go back to work, as long as no coal was shipped out.

By June, over 60,000 tons of coal had been dug up and Lester decided to break his agreement and attempted to sell the coal. Early in the morning of June 21st, a truck carrying Lester's guards and strikebreakers was ambushed near Carbondale, Illinois on its way to the mine. The union miners marched into Herrin, looted the hardware store of its firearms and ammunition, and laid seige to the mine.

The strikebreakers working in the mine surrendered to the union workers firing on them and were captured as prisoners. Despite promises of safety, they were brutally tortured and massacred by the union miners. Twenty-three workers were killed, most of whom were members of the strikebreaking group. W.J. Lester, the owner of the mine, made a significant profit from selling his mine after the massacre occurred, in order to avoid lawsuits

The nation reacted to the massacre with disgust. One newspaper editorial said "Herrin, Illinois should be ostracized. Shut off from all communication with the outside world and the people there left to soak in the blood they have spilled."President Warren Harding characterized it as a "shocking crime, barbarity, butchery, rot and madness." Others also compared the people of Herrin to the alleged behavior of German troops during World War I.

Two trials were held, the first on November 7, 1922, and the second in the winter of 1923. Only six men were indicted for the massacre, and the first two trials ended in acquittals for all the defendants. The prosecution gave up and dismissed the remaining indictments. Otis Clark was the first man to be tried on a total of 214 charges. Two years later, Clark was shot and killed by an unknown assailant.Another of the accused died in a mine accident

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Buy coffee and learn more about the Zapatistas in Chiapas here :EZLN:

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Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

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Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

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Wmill's Moscow Problems :putin-wink:

So two winners lets :rat-salute: our comrades @context and @FunkyStuff for getting it right.

Previous answer

Distributing among the nine young workers the 9 extra sets produced by the chief, the daily average for all ten men is 15+1 = 16 sets. Then the chief turns out 16 + 9 = 25 sets daily, and the entire brigade, (15 × 9) + 25 = 160 sets. Those who know algebra can solve the problem by composing an equation with one unknown.

How many items?

An item is made from lead blanks in a lathe shop. Each blank suffices for 1 item. Lead shavings accumulated from making 6 items can be melted and made into a blank. How many items can be made from 36 blanks?

So easy one maybe :soviet-playful: anyway have fun :soviet-heart: good luck and remember dm @Wmill the answer.

This Friday we Are gonna watch The Return of Godzilla:japan-cool: , Its the Start of the Heisei Era movies, Godzilla returns to its roots of being a Destructive Force of Nature that its feared by humans. Only in the Hexbear Cytube

Vote and nominate Movies for the next month's Movie Fridays here the voting ends on the 27th.

Happy We Tripantu libs :allende-rhetoric:

    • Sen_Jen [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Thanks. I owe it a lot to feminism, I could have gone down the incel route when I was around 14-15. Low self-esteem and no luck with girls could have easily made me into a misogynistic shithead, so I'm very thankful that feminists guided me towards a much better and healthier mindset.