yeah, i apply dialectical materialism to my video games 8)

  • Gosplan14 [any]
    4 years ago

    Caesar doesn't understand Dialectics, and has a vision of a fascistic and traditionalistic society clinging to faux-roman ideals anyway,, so he's out. He's probably the most interesting character in New Vegas though.

    Legate Lanius has all the weaknesses of Caesar, and even more of the barbarism.

    Mr. House has that wonderful Odo voice, but is basically a retrofuturistic Elon Musk thinking he's a genius and that if line will go up and if he will send stuff to space, humanity will be uplifted. He doesn't care about anything but profit and will keep the poors out of his "benevolent autocracy", but it's fine because the NCR will keep sending tourists. No wonder Reddit loves him.

    The independent ending really depends on the actions of the courier, so that can range from pretty good to bad.

    The NCR. It is a force of capitalism, basically the old America reborn. Ranchers and trade corporations like the Crimson Caravan have enormous political might, political assassinations are commonplace, environmental destruction is widespread (Chief Hanlon in New Vegas mentions all not-saltwater lakes being drained etc.) to the point that collapse is likely (according to Thomas Hildern, at least), poverty is such that immigration to the frontier is common, political dynasties are implied to be influential. While a progressive force in hismat compared to the previous tribal or semi-disorganized societies, the NCR still needs to be overthrown by a dictatorship of the proletariat.

    When it comes to what is the best ending imo, the NCR is better than the legion and arguably Mr. House, but worse than a good karma and pro-Followers of the Apocalypse aligned-indipendent run