• UglySpaghettiHoe [he/him]
    3 年前

    I hope people at obsidian get to make another fallout game. It doesn't even have to be as good as new vegas, just someone other than bethesda

    • dapranker [he/him]
      3 年前

      Every Bethesda storyline is such a big wet fart since Morrowind, literally anyone else please write an actual story

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      3 年前

      my hunch is Bethesda wants to kill the franchise and deliberately made Fallout 76 as cheaply and quickly as possibly to wring the last bit of passive income they could before letting the IP die

    • Sen_Jen [they/them]
      3 年前

      They both work under Microsoft now so it's possible, but obsidian are already working in the outer worlds 2 and their off-brand elder scrolls