the NCR is an oligarchy run by brahmin barons and a stagnating political sphere with over reaching imperialist foreign policy. as much of a cop out on moral grounds as it is, the independent new vegas ending more or less lets you write the history in your head of what happens with yes man and even with Mr House the courier would have huge influence. the NCR is doomed to fall like the Legion is
The Courier is the player, not an abstracted third party. It's fine to argue that you wouldn't trust yourself to be a communist but to act as if The Courier has some conscious that acts independently of the player's actions is wrong
My headcannon is that those Chine stealth manuals have a bit of theory in them and it slowly rubs on your character.
I mean that's the plot of the entire game
The Fallout is from the Sino-American war. There are several enclaves of PLA members still in America and some even broadcasting over the radio waves.
It's not impossible for the courier to have come across communist stuff at some point seeing as how China occupied several American cities at one point.
Mine would too tbh. It’s hard to say, because you can say anything about a moldable character.
the followers of the apocalypse have the books, im sure the courier could be exposed that way, or just by reading some dank rotting tomes in the waste
basically impossible to get rid of communist books, we have so so so so many
fascist italy & germany had no luck in real life
The Courier is the player
so you feel like you can trust video game players to have good politics
Regardless of what my hypothetical politics in a post apocalyptic future would be, if you gave me the Hoover Dam, a Casino with a nuclear reactor under, an army of robots at my back, and a supercomputer friend who manages everything for me, you better believe I would wield power. Who wouldn't?
I thought we were talking about whether or not that'd go well not whether or not we would
I have no idea if I personally would make a good leader in the end. Doesn't mean I wouldn't try
The courier has a set background. Unless you can find some Parenti in the game, how likely is it that the courier has been exposed to communism?
The Courier has no set background. Things like mentioning having sex with a woman in Montana or having been to New Reno are all optional dialogues you don't have to pick. I've seen many players make the argument Ulysses is insane and is mistaking you for someone else, which I can agree with. You could argue that you (The Courier) weren't even a career courier and simply agreed to deliver the Chip on a whim in order to visit New Vegas. The only things totally set in stone are you are delivering the Chip to new vegas and get shot in the head
calling yourself a leftist and supporting the faction that's coded as contemporary America in an imperialist struggle, yikes
Guess I'm not a leftist due to vidjagame. :deeper-sadness:
All my homies support the glorious Free State of Utobitha. We got:
- Centaurs
- Raul's shack
- Cool radio show
- Shoot humans on sight
- Radiation
I’m with you comrade. The NCR are Libs but a stable government is easier to agitate under than a robo-dictator who’s allied with organized crime.
imagine not killing mr house the second you see him :gui-better: :gui-better: :gui-better:
1: that just means YOURE robo dictator, which requires a lot of faith in you ability to govern
2: in the independence ending YesMan pulls you aside and tells you he’s going to reboot his system to make him less subservient to the player, so he could go all fucking SkyNet after that for all you know.
3: the independence ending slide makes it pretty clear while the Securitrons are formidable, they’re really not enough in number to hold the entire Mojave on their own so some alliance with the major factors of the Mojave are necessary to hold power. And most of the other factions suck.
Its not explicitly said, but YesMan does say he’s going to reprogram to become “more assertive” at the end. Whether this means he’ll go CyberNet or become a benevolent servant is up to speculation. There is a chance that he’d go rogue with the securitrons.
Which is basically opening the door for the Legion to come in
If you aren't a Kimballist-Dengist you simply do not understand the political economy of the 2280 American Southwest.
Like I said before, the best ending for the Mojave is:
Stab Caesar,
Shoot the President,
Boom the boomers,
Encourage cooperative farming,
Breakup the organized crime,
Leave New Vegas in the hands of an extremely helpful AI (whether he wants to be or not).
the boomers are extremely xenophobic and armed to the fucking teeth. they are far too dangerous to be left with all those guns at the least
While true, they are also adept mechanics. Their repair of a Superfortress is admirable. Harnessing the power of the Boomers would benefit your own faction. Remember that they are running low on munitions. That can be very important for negotiations with them.
I don't think the Boomers should be shot, but regardless of who wins the second battle of Hoover dam and how, the Boomers are going to be a huge issue if they ever decide to leave that compound to get more resources. I would absolutely find ways to integrate them, but you have got to take their artillery and rocket launchers off of them at a minimum
That is true. A proper integration is important. But still, I doubt you could find many munitions experts as skilled as them. What would be important is removing the isolationist legacy of the boomers, and convincing them that they were all bred in a vault that encouraged this very behavior (34, if I am correct.) don’t some of the endings show that they end up trading with outside sources?
so like if you do a bunch of quests around the camp you convince Pearl and the other key leaders of the boomers that opening up is not a bad idea. but they're still extremely xenophobic, they just no longer literally shoot anybody on sight with high powered explosives
We can push Kimball left, we can't do that if there's a FUCKING FASCIST IN THE LUCKY 38!
Yeah, you're right that the NCR is the "objectively best choice for the Mojave" or whatever, but they are lame as fuck so I'm just gunna ignore that.
I hope people at obsidian get to make another fallout game. It doesn't even have to be as good as new vegas, just someone other than bethesda
Every Bethesda storyline is such a big wet fart since Morrowind, literally anyone else please write an actual story
my hunch is Bethesda wants to kill the franchise and deliberately made Fallout 76 as cheaply and quickly as possibly to wring the last bit of passive income they could before letting the IP die
They both work under Microsoft now so it's possible, but obsidian are already working in the outer worlds 2 and their off-brand elder scrolls
In my headcanon, independent new Vegas is mostly run by the followers and the kings, so it's a better choice for the Mojave than the imperialist libs of the NCR
Supporting NCR is only ethical if you let Cass kill Mclafferty with two step goodbye and frame Gunderson for cannibalism.