• GinAndJuche
    7 months ago

    Edit: I was wrong fucking stupid reasoning.

    Critical support either way. Somebody has the balls to stand up to aipac at least.

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      7 months ago

      you do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to a libertarian US senator. he supports Israel's "right to exist," he just doesn't think it's antisemitic to disagree. average libertarian contrarian tantrum where he affirms all the premises of the institutions but rejects one of the conclusions based on a piddling technicality, thereby ensuring that everyone yells at him and he preserves his outsider veneer without actually having to affect anything or stand for something.

      basically the right wing version of Bernie.

        • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
          7 months ago

          I think MTG is the current record holder for antisemitism in a national representative, and she supports Israel. /pol/ twerps might be able to win the election for comptroller in Dogfuck, Idaho, but they do nothing for anyone at the federal level.

      • GinAndJuche
        7 months ago

        Fucking freeze peach dumbassery. I withdraw my prior statement.