• frogbellyratbone_ [e/em/eir, any]
    7 months ago

    bookmarking this thread so fast.

    random, user-friendly, surface level stuff:

    Lenin, State and Revolution and April Theses. Imperialism is very good, but it's not user-friendly and I'd just recommend a youtube video on it instead.

    Pannekoek, Worker's Councils

    Kropotkin, Conquest of Bread

    Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent

    The fifth book is reader's choice:

    Brady, Spirit and Structure of German Fascism

    Rodney, How Europe Undeveloped Africa

    Klein, Shock Doctrine

    Graeber, Debt

    Bukharin, ABCs of Communism

    Berkman, ABCs of Anarcho-Communism

    Peck, Washington's China