Full quote, from the above link:

"Wussup normal peeps and 14 year old environmental hypocrite trolls that use gasoline in the cars they drive and the planes they fly and throw away double AA batteries every other month! "

H then goes on to hawk the link to some stupid CGI "art" bullshit that would be inoffensive and whatever, if not for the fact that creating it is ghoulishly greedy and selfish, given it's helping propagate/perpetuate a needless act that's destroying the environment further.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    You know one of the major running gags of his show is harassing random people in the streets of new york right? Like be mad if you want to be mad but how is this the crossing the line moment for you?

    • MsUltraViolet [she/her]
      4 years ago

      His street segments are him doing weird shit and grossing people out/confusing them/being annoying. He's never been outwardly hostile or malicious to anyone, except the shitty rich and reactionary celebrities on the show.

      Suddenly being a vocal supporter for a capitalism mode of profit and exchange is much different to me than absurdist pranks.