    10 months ago

    I've seen tons of libs on Twitter (so grain of salt) claiming Israel has done absolutely nothing wrong but Putin is genociding Ukrainians.

    I've always said my stance on Ukraine/Russia is it's a fight amongst capitalist nations and anti-capitalists of any flavor should only seek an immediate cessation of violence. Fuck the borders of Ukraine. Those borders were created like 30 years ago. They are meaningless. Borders are meaningless anyway, but especially that border. I just don't give a shit, nothing will ever make me give a shit, and if allowing some areas to legally leave Ukraine ends the violence? DO THAT IMMEDIATELY is my stance.

    Surely war crimes happened in Ukraine done by Russians (and vice versa). War crimes happen in wars... which is a great reason to not have them. I'm not going to rule out that there is even potential for genocide.

    I'll just say though, that even as I'm typing all that, it's hard not to laugh at the ridiculousness of comparing two states (regardless of who invaded) aided heavily on one side by the world's super power and the EU (not small itself!) and on the other side the Russians which once commanded a military that rivaled the US are also backed, partly anyway, by China, basically closing in on par with the US on the economic and even military side. All these massive powers are pushing on each other on that Ukraine/Russia border. No one is defenseless, powerless, etc. There is no smol bean there.

    Meanwhile in Palestine, you have a belligerent, racist, ethnonationalist state that has spent every day of its short existence aggressing upon, fighting with, etc. all of its neighbors and of course the people who were there when it was established. Who, inconveniently for modern Israelis, never died and never left. A state backed by the legitimacy of BEING a state first and foremost. Additionally backed by the world's military superpower who provided economic and military relief and supplies. Essentially making it a de facto state of the United States. And the Palestinians, who were always and still are denied the ability to form a nation state of their own, and gain any international legitimacy for their armed resistances (thus making them forever militants and "terrorists" from birth essentially), has basically NO ONE supporting them in any sort of open way or comparable way to Israel. They have sympathy and support from non-government leaders world wide, third world nations, etc., but the first world and those who could potentially stand up to Israel and the US? Non-existent. They're talked about as less than human, treated as less than human, and murdered in a way only acceptable if you see them as... less than human. These same liberals who cry over war crimes done to Ukrainians (which I already called out, for libs raging over this) give not a single flake of a fuck about Palestinians. They side fully with the oppressors. They back genocide and the full destruction or full exile of Palestinian people. Or "people" as they view them.

    The power dynamics at play, the INTENT spoken and shown, and the ability to actually do a genocide are all relevant and none of these things are comparable between the conflicts. Two massive states warring over a border with superpower support on both sides is NOT IN ANY WAY the same as a superpower proxy carpet bombing and crushing out of existence a group of people while they fucking say that is their intent. They say it openly and clearly. Not just random citizens either. Israeli top officials say they want to exterminate Gazans, that they're all terrorists and less than human. If Hitler wrote it or said it about Jews, then Israelis have wrote or said it about Palestinians at some point. No exaggeration.

    These libs need perspective and they need a fucking soul. Because whatever it is inside them that screams out for infinite Russian blood (using Ukrainian blood to achieve it) is inhuman. And whatever allows them to look at a modern day Nazi state actively engaged in its Holocaust against Palestinians and say "they deserved it" (or say nothing at all, which is the same in the end) is inhuman. Western liberals, neoliberals, whatever they wanna be called are depraved people and have absolutely no moral ground to stand on whatsoever. I never want to hear a single one of them try to scold any principled Marxist or whatever flavor or leftist who stands against imperialism and capitalism again.