four hour harrisbomberguy video dropped

  • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
    10 months ago

    film isn't science exactly but it can be understood better than flattening it to matters of taste.

    True but I think debates over what is and isn't too long are more subjective. I've made the point elsewhere, but there plenty of narratives movies as long or longer than this video that are very good, and if anything it's harder to make a good long narrative film cuz there's less good points to pause if you need to take a wiz or grab a beer.

    If you think it would be better broken into a multi part series fine, I just don't agree with the idea that long form is inherently bad. If you want to argue the length is detrimental in conjunction with other flaws, like poor pacing and structure, that'd be fine.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      10 months ago

      i just watched War and Peace (for like the fourth time, it's really good), that's 7 hours long but it's well paced, and subdivided into normal film length chunks. but i absolutely could not have watched it back to back, it'd be murder, especially if you excised the connecting tissue at the beginning and end of each part.

      the removal of intermissions has actually happened with the extended cuts of the lord of the rings films. those were on DVD originally, and each film was broken up by the need to switch discs, a physically-imposed sort of intermission, but one nonetheless. but these days the whole damn things are on streaming and they are noticeably more interminable.