There is a few good posts making fun of it but beware of the many "uhhh ackshully" nerds trying to explain how no one could possibly know that it's a legal crosswalk when painted like that so it's good, actually it got painted over

  • Nakoichi [they/them]M
    3 years ago

    "We're seeing a reduction in pedestrian collisions to the point that they're not really happening," Chang said. "We would not have installed these (had they not been safe). They are very vibrant; they are loved by the community and people see them." In fact, the city has a Community Crosswalk program where neighborhoods can apply for a specially-painted crosswalk, Chang added.

    The city says it's sharing that safety information with the Federal Highway Administration, and for now the rainbow crosswalks can stay unless that intersection becomes part of a federal project. But even then they would hope to work with the FHA to show the crosswalks work.

    "Our records are telling us that these crosswalks are safer than before and we want to continue that," Chang said.