All Hegelian Podcasts Are Radlib Nonce-sense. AHPARN

It's obvious why these people are uninterested in talking about the alienation of workers, or why they whine about the "hypocrisy" of PMC people criticizing their own class. Academic Marxist philosophy is a glowie CIA funded program for fake-Marxists, they're not interested in having solidarity except with each other. These nerds are paid to ignore and mystify structural violence, why wouldn't they also ignore their role in doing violence? Its easier to instead whine about how oppressed they are by being called Karens and how frightened they are by "populist" rhetoric

I turned this bullshit off half way, but apparently they talk about Marx's historical materialist take on jewishness? Which is ironic since these class traitors did not do any of that in the first part of the ep. These fucking idealist Hegelians rambling about Jews is probably literally the least valuable contribution to the discourse I can imagine lol