• UglySpaghettiHoe [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'm far from an expert on humanities but my advice would be to work on diligence and self discipline of studying in and of itself. Work on studying an topic or doing questions for extended periods of time.

    For me I was too easily distracted and too accepting of my own procrastination. If you get in the groove of studying that should make actual school work less daunting and less prone to procrastination.

    As for focus, try to work on studying with allowing yourself to get distracted by phones/internet/ect. This was a big thing for me, I couldn't go more than a 10 minutes or so without checking something on my phone/Reddit. I ended up having to put my phone in my dresser on the other side of the room and block Reddit on my computer. This gets easier the more you get used to focusing, difficult at first, but if you keep it up then it will become second nature.

    Hope all this helps and good luck in your classes!

    • Sen_Jen [they/them]
      3 years ago

      Thanks, this is good advice! I used a "forest" app while I was doing my exams that grows little virtual trees while your phones isn't on, and it helped.