Hello comrades I come to you to ask:

What is enjoyable about exploration or social type encounters in TTRPG games you have played?

Do you think there should be more mechanics or less mechanics for how a player engages in the game in those types of encounters?

What is annoying, frustrating, or boring about social or exploration type encounters?

Should there be a mechanical limit (ends after 5 rounds) or should treasure but not xp be gated on a round target (ex: if you complete the encounter in 3 rounds you get treasure, but not if you complete it in 2 or 4+ rounds)?

Thank you.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Thank you, a big theme of this TTRPG is allowing players to really dig deep into the idea of every encounter being a means by which to develop, clarify, and to roleplay their characters. While also maintaining a fail forward dynamic intrinsic to the mechanics of the system. What you describe is something important to resolve for me as I want a person who may not be super sociable, tactical, or quick thinking to be able to utilize mechanics in a way to better roleplay a character that may be very different from who they are.