Hello comrades I come to you to ask:

What is enjoyable about exploration or social type encounters in TTRPG games you have played?

Do you think there should be more mechanics or less mechanics for how a player engages in the game in those types of encounters?

What is annoying, frustrating, or boring about social or exploration type encounters?

Should there be a mechanical limit (ends after 5 rounds) or should treasure but not xp be gated on a round target (ex: if you complete the encounter in 3 rounds you get treasure, but not if you complete it in 2 or 4+ rounds)?

Thank you.

  • quartz242 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Of course, my current design is to have a player's turn split into two parts, the first they have time to say a sentence or two about their character, the environment, or an NPC. Then the second part is choosing an action. So for example a player's turn would be: "My character, Aloxes sweeps his fancy scarf to the side before confidently persuading the guard that he belongs in this restricted area" I then choose the Rhetoric action to use my Mind attribute against the Guard's Spirit attribute. The opposing stat+dice are rolled and the outcome is determined.

    So I am seeking to provide many different tools that also help to prompt in role-play.