The Trans-Siberian Railway or the Great Siberian Route is the main railroad artery of the country that connects the European part of Russia with Siberia and the Far East regions.

The actual length of the main passenger route from Moscow to Vladivostok is 9288.2 km (5771.4 miles) which makes the legendary railroad the longest one on our planet.

In the mid-19th century discussions became ever more frequent about the construction of a railway system to connect the central regions of the Russian Empire with its eastern territories.

The first public railway in Russia was built in 1836 and became the sixth railway in the world. This railway connected St Petersburg with Emperor Nicholas I’s residence in Tsarskoe Selo (now known as Pushkin). It was further continued to Pavlovsk, with the total length of the railway amounting to 27km. It took one year and eight months to build the first railway in Russia and 1837 became the year of foundation of the Russian railways.

The decisive moment in the railway policy occurred a few years later. Upon returning from America, engineers Pavel Melnikov and Nikolai Kraft prepared a detailed report emphasising the economic and cultural importance of railways, especially in terms of the industrial revolution which was taking place in Russia.


In 1842 the emperor signed a decree ordering the construction of the St Petersburg-Moscow Railway. The railway was built in eight and a half years and cost less than many foreign railways due to the mass use of serf labour, many of them dying during construction.

During the design and construction of the railway the parameters were defined and it was decided to have a track with the width of 1524mm. This is still the standard width up to the present day, which is different to that of Europe and China.

By the order of Nicholas I, engineers were not engaged to build the railways stations but architects and the two famous architects of the time were invited for this work - Konstantin Ton and Rudolf Zhelyazevich. Ton designed the two main buildings of the stations on the railways in Moscow and St Petersburg. They were completed in the ‪1851-1852‬.

The railway network was subsequently expanded and by the end of the 1880s it became obvious that the construction of a railway across the country was vital for the development of the country. In February 1891 the Cabinet of Ministers unanimously supported the need for the construction of a Trans-Siberian Railway and decided to begin the work at the same time from Vladivostok and from Chelyabinsk to meet in the middle.


The first stone of the Great Siberian Railway (the original name of the Trans-Siberian) was laid in May 1891 in Vladivostok with the participation of Tsarevich Nikolai Aleksandrovich (who later became Emperor Nicholas II). It was decided to build the railway line in three stages and to complete the construction within 10 years.

The first stage involved the design and construction of the West Siberian Railway from Chelyabinsk to the River Ob (1418 km), the Central Siberian Railway from the River Ob to Irkutsk (1871 km), and the South Ussuri Railway from Vladivostok to Grafskaya Station (408 km).

The second stage included the Zabaikalsky Railway from Mysovaya Station on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal to Sretensk on River Shilka (1104 km) and the North Ussuri Railway from the Grafskaya Station to Khabarovsk (361 km).

The third stage, leaving the most rugged parts till last, saw the construction of the Circum-Baikal Railway from Baikal station at the source of the River Angara to Mysovaya Station (261 km) and the Amur Railway from Sretensk to Khabarovsk (2130 km).

By the spring of 1901 the construction of the Zabaikalsky Railway was finished and only 2000km (between Sretensk and Khabarovsk) of the Trans-Siberian remained to be built to connect Europe and the Pacific Ocean. However, due to the adverse climatic and geological conditions of the Amur area, the tsarist government at first decided not to construct the railway here and instead took a more southerly route - through Manchuria in China. In 1903 the Russian-built Chinese Eastern Railway was put into operation, passing through the territory of Manchuria via Harbin Station to Pogranichnaya (Grodekovo).

Russia's defeat during the Russo-Japanese War demonstrated the strategic weakness in having the railway pass through a foreign country and forced the government to create a continuous railway line to Vladivostok via Russian territory. In May 1908, the State Council made a decision to construct the Amur Railway. This was only completed in October 1916, after the construction of Khabarovsk Bridge.


The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway was one of the Largest railway projects undertaken not only in Russia but in the whole world, especially for the time. Even after 100 years the railway still serves it is original purpose - connecting Europe and Asia. Today the Trans-Siberian Railway is a powerful double-track electrified railway line with a length of about 10,000 kilometers and equipped with modern means of information and communication. It is the world's longest railway, a natural extension of international transport corridor №2 (Berlin - Warsaw - Minsk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod)

In the East, through the border stations at Khasan, Grodekovo, Zabaikalsk and Naushki, the Trans-Siberian provides access to the rail network of North Korea, China and Mongolia, and in the West, through Russian ports and border crossings with the former republics of the Soviet Union, to the European countries. The railway line is also a popular tourist destination in itself and is a journey which many people hope to travel in their lifetime.

-- Trans-Siberian Railway: The Queen of Railways :train-shining:

Here is a list of Trans rights organizations you can support :cat-trans:

Buy coffee and learn more about the Zapatistas in Chiapas here :EZLN:

Resources for Palestine :palestine-heart:

Here are some resourses on Prison Abolition :brick-police:

Foundations of Leninism :USSR:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

Anarchism and Other Essays :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

Follow the Hexbear twitter account :comrade-birdie:

THEORY; it’s good for what ails you (all kinds of tendencies inside!) :RIchard-D-Wolff:


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So more smartypants for today. Today we :rat-salute: @bubbalu, @context, @FunkyStuff, @DickFuckarelli, @Zoift, and @Phillipkdink.

One, two, three attempts

Think of two positive integers, add their sum to their product, and tell me the result. As a jumper often succeeds only after several attempts, I too, may not guess your "thought" numbers on the first try, but I will guess them. My method is simple. I add 1 to your result. Then I factor the sum into all possible pairs (except 1 and the sum), and subtract 1 from each factor. This gives me a set of number pairs one of which is your "thought" number.

If I have only one pair, I can guess your numbers at once. For example, you think of 4 and 6. Adding their sum (10) to their product (24) gives 34. I add 1 to make 35. Since 35 has only the factor pair (5 times 7), I know your original numbers were 5 - 1 = and 7 - 1 = 6.

Prove the correctness of this procedure.

Tough one today but I think y'all have fun with it :soviet-playful: so remember to have fun :soviet-heart: and to dm good boy @Wmill the answer.

Posted from a phone again :meow-tableflip:

Remember folks, teleporters kill you and make a copy of you in another location

Todays Megathread for the 10th will be a bit late and if you complain people are legaly allow to call you a nerd

forget that this will be the mega for the 9th and 10th and tomorrow there will be a new one written by @CDommunist

  • Diddykongisapokemon [he/him]
    3 years ago

    the next hot woke zoomer twitter take will be like "disliking marvel movies is racist because theyre popular in the third world"