Haha, you stupid idiots. Don't you know Democracy is when Unitary Executive and that Unitary Executive is the... uh... Senate Parliamentarian?
flips through civics textbook
Fuck you, it made sense when the Founders drew it up! Bring back the plantation presidency guys. Only they knew how to do democracy right.
Like, it's basically the same as a parliamentary democracy but with a single party, it shouldn't really seem alien to the west at all.
I think "single party" is where people have hang-ups. The illusion of choice is vital to dividing and conquering public opinion in American politics.
I think we all get that America is a single party state with two parties. But really any stable country essentially does ban opposition vis a vis Capitalism vs socialism, you need some kind of stable ideology to keep a country going.
I think we all get that America is a single party state with two parties.
We do, as outsiders looking in. But from within the system, all you see is the villainous opposition doing opposition things that you hate.
you need some kind of stable ideology to keep a country going
You need a Mass Line, such that public sentiment is driving policy. When sentiment and policy clash, you get economic disruptions and chronic non-compliance with policies. The real distinction between American policy and Chinese policy stems from the American system existing explicitly to subvert the Mass Line movements. Americans are raised to believe this is good, that the public is not to be trusted, and that a caretaker government of plutocrats is desirable.
The ideology doesn't need to be static, just slow-moving enough such that the legislature can keep up with it. Americans have been raised to believe a legislature that fights the tide is better than one that rolls with it. And, as a result, we have large numbers of people demanding change from a system that grows increasingly intransient toward yielding it.
In Communist dictatorships, local elections are controlled by the party and are usually uncontested. At higher levels, the contestants are also hand-picked by party leadership, and the races usually are not competitive either.
The arrows on this graph are meaningless, right? Like, they are there to give the impression that this is a top down dictatorship from Xi himself. If I understand correctly, it's more like it's the other way around. Is that true? Can someone tell me if I'm wrong?
Yeah, other way around. People are elected at the bottom who elect the people higher than them.
You think someone in China has an anatomy of a burger graph that’s the three branches of us government
They used to be equal but the patty has more power than the founding fathers (chefs?) originally intended 😔
Conservatives lost it when a black bean burger became president.
“Peek under the hood of the Chinese model…and China looks much more communist than it does on the open road.”
Wow, the Chinese political system look way more organized and capable of unified action than the US, if we have a major conflict they are going to kick our teeth in. Maybe we should stop pointlessly antagonizing China...Or we can keep crashing our boats together and see where that gets us.
"hey we should figure out what the structure of the government in China is and publish an article on it"
"Ok, should we look at any official party documents, press releases, books published about the governance structure by those who designed it, or any source actually from China?"
"No, let's take all of the information from some guy named Bruce Dickson"
Do the smaller committees ever get to meet with the party leadership directly? I'm imagining Xi listening to someone talk about linen coats for an hour.